Saturday, November 19, 2011

Travel The Dead Sea

The Dead ocean, not like the ocean of Galilee to the north, doesn't figure prominently within the biblical narratives. Its most vital role was as a barrier, blocking traffic to Judah from the east. An advancing army of Ammonites and Moabites apparently crossed a shallow a part of the Dead ocean on their thanks to attack King Jehoshaphat (2 Chron 20). Ezekiel has prophesied that sooner or later the Dead ocean are going to be contemporary water and fishermen can unfold their nets along the shore.

The Dead ocean is found within the Syro-African Rift, a 4000-mile fault line within the earth's crust. the bottom purpose of dry land on earth is that the shoreline of the Dead ocean at 1300 feet below ocean level. That the lake is at the bottom purpose means water doesn't drain from this lake. Daily seven million loads of water evaporate however the minerals stay, inflicting the salt content to extend. Figures for the Dead Sea's salinity nowadays vary from 26-35%.

Nearly 10 times as salty because the world's oceans and twice as saline because the nice Salt Lake in Utah, the Dead ocean is made with minerals. The Dead ocean Works company on the southwest aspect of the lake employs 1600 individuals round the clock to reap the precious minerals from the water. Potash is that the most dear of these extracted nowadays and is employed within the manufacture of fertilizer. the most effective article on the minerals within the Dead ocean is within the Encyclopedia Britannica.

The distinctive concentration of the Dead ocean waters has long been known to possess medicinal worth. Aristotle, Queen of Sheba, King Solomon and Cleopatra were all at home with this and trendy doctors similarly usually prescribe patients with skin ailments to soak within the waters of the Dead ocean. due to the dropping level of the Dead ocean, the southern finish is not any longer below water, aside from that that is channeled by aqueducts for the aim of extracting minerals.

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