Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The most beautiful hotel in the world,Ranking 3 Aeroscraft The Flying Luxury Hotel

The Aeroscraft is a gigantic 400-ton blimp designed to carry passengers in its spacious luxury liner-type facility. The flying hotel is equal in size to two football fields and is airlifted by 14 million cubic feet of helium, huge electric and hydrogen fuel cell powered propellers and six turbofan jet engines. The hotel will be able to accommodate 250 passengers while soaring 8,000 feet above the ground, and will provide tourists with hi-tech amenities in its guestrooms, casino, restaurants and staterooms.

Aeroscraft: The Flying Luxury Hotel of Tomorrow

Aeroscraft: The Flying Luxury Hotel of Tomorrow
While all of these futuristic hotels will be shaping future travel, Glen Hiemstra , founder of believes there are other factors that will define the hotels to come. He believes “that robotics will be one of the most significant technologies to affect the hotel industry in the future," says Hiemstra. He envisions a hotel where robots can do the majority of the cleaning and check-ins. "But the really far-out science fiction scenario is with nanotechnology," he says. (In short, nanotechnology is the ability to manipulate and manufacture things at the molecular level.) "In 2025 or 2030, we might be able to have rooms reconfigure themselves to whatever guests want, whether it's a king-sized bed and a couch, or a single bed and a desk."
While checking into the future sounds a lot like an episode out of the TV-show, The Jetsons, with all the innovation and appeal built into the future design, décor and amenities, it sounds like we better start making our reservations now, as there may not be any rooms at the inn, when the future rolls around

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